Tuesday, April 21, 2009

West Virginia Trip – Part 2 – The Final Approach

---- Current location – Ground Up Café, Seneca Rocks, WV, USA ----

This is the second instalment of my blog-type trip report. I will hopefully be able to post many of these throughout the trip, now that I have discovered free wifi in Seneca (who would have guessed). So, I will be able to post these as long as I am not climbing and my fingers are warm enough to type.

18 APR 09:

So, for the past three weeks, I have been trying desperately not to injure myself before leaving on this trip. I had a few close calls, but had made it to Virginia injury free. Saturday was the day of my Dad’s 50th birthday party and we spent all day preparing for it. About 10 minutes before the party was set to begin, I dropped a porcelain bowl. It, of course, shattered, slicing my hand open. I patched it up and made the assessment – it required at least 1 stitch. So, I had a call to make – spend 5 hours in a US Naval Hospital trying to explain to them who I am OR wrap it up and carry on with the party. I chose to wrap it up. So far, it looks fine.

Figure 1 - My hand in its dressing.

20 APR 09:

Today, my Dad and I finally set off for West Virginia. After the weeks of planning, prepping and packing, I was on the mountain roads that would eventually lead me to Seneca Rocks, WV. It poured rain the whole way. The fog on the mountain tops gave us 20ft visibility at times. It was a generally bad day to be travelling. When we arrived at the campsite, though, the rain stopped and it wasn’t so bad. Dad left quickly, as there had been a hail warning on the way in. I was left to my own devices, so I set up camp (noticing the site across from me had a plethora of MEC gear) and headed down to town. Introducing myself to the local guides, I realised there is not much to do around here when it is raining – they seemed very bored. So, I hiked up to Seneca for a quick look. It was beautiful, I scoped some routes and my anticipation grew. I then headed back to the campsite, no one had returned yet, so I did some reading. All of a sudden two guys were at the door of my tent wondering who I was. So, I told them, and asked who they were – “Pat and Bill from Gatineau” they said. I replied with “I’ve got Kokanee”, they said “we’ve got Moosehead”, we soon became friends.

Figure 2 - Welcome to West Virginia.

21 APR 09:

The weather today is better, though it is calling for snow tonight, apparently. I plan on doing some fishing, while Pat and Bill climb Old Man’s Route. We might do some climbing together tomorrow. If they make it back, I will feel more confident in their abilities. Anyhoo, I will leave you with that and hopefully have a good report tomorrow.

Figure 3 - Trying to get some rock in the background.

Figure 4 - The view from my campsite.

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